Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Assignment One: Raw Images to be Used in e-Wallpaper

These are some of the images to be used in my e-Wallpaper.

MMU Logo

Image from: Google images

TM University Logo

Image from: Pesona

MMU Tagline

Image from: MMU Homepage

MMU Mascot

Image from: MMU Homepage

FOM Building

Image from: MMU Photo Gallery


Image from: deviantART


  1. Show how you do selection with the images you have. After you've shown your Lab 1 selection, show your Lab 2 layering. I need to see your layout for the E-wall paper.

    Your blog is organized in links. Under Assignment 1, you should show 5 weeks of your learning in Photoshop according to class schedule (See:

    This way, your reader won't be confused at your presentation at the blog. Please remember that this blog is not only view by me alone. It could be viewed by many unknown net surfers who might be interested to know what you learn in class or outside class time.

    Right now, I can't choose any Reactions which you listed because it's neither funny, interesting nor cool.

  2. Noted Madam. Will make changes a.s.a.p. Thanks for your guidance and comment :)

  3. Ain mana you dapat gambar fom tu? ada link lagi tak? sbb i tak jumpa la gambar fom

  4. Supposedly you can open the link that I've attached below the image. For now, I have problem to go direct to the link. Perhaps, later can la I think. Haha
